Month: December 2021

React to Sounds with Music Playlists

React to Sounds with Music Playlists

Are you a music lover? Do you have a lot of favorite songs that help keep your energy up while working or exercising? If so, then this blog post is for you! In it we will discuss how to track the music on your computer and create awesome playlists. This way, even if one of your favorite artists releases new tunes, they won’t be lost in the shuffle.

Create a new folder on your computer, and name it something like “Music to Track”. This will be the main place that all of our playlists are saved in. Next, open up iTunes or whatever music player you use to find new tunes. Search for any song you would want to add to a playlist later down the line, but don’t add it to the library. Right click and copy the song name (i.e., “Songs I Like”).

Go back to your Music folder you created earlier, right-click in an empty space inside of that folder, and paste what you copied from iTunes. Now we have a playlist with all of our favorite songs!

Repeat the same process for each artist or album you want to add. If you have an entire playlist from a previous project, just copy and paste it into your new Music folder.

Now that we have all of our favorite tunes in one place, it’s time to create some playlists. But first, let’s talk about some best practices when it comes to naming them.

  • Make sure the title of your playlist is short and sweet, but also accurately describes the music inside. For example, “Songs to Get Pumped Up To” or “Workout Music 2016”.
  • If you have a lot of playlists, it might be helpful to create folders within your Music folder to keep them organized. This could look something like “Workout Playlists”, “Happy Songs”, or “Songs for when I’m Feeling Sad”.

Now that we have the basics down, let’s start creating some playlists!

Start by opening up iTunes or whatever player you use, and open up your Music folder. Select all of the playlists in this folder that you plan on using to create a new one. Drag them into a blank spot inside of your “Music to Track” main folder that we created earlier. Let go once it creates a new playlist.

Now you can rename your playlists from this window, and select the ones you want to add music too! When adding songs, it’s helpful to use ALT+click on a song in order to pick and choose which tracks stay or go. This way we don’t have extra songs that aren’t on the playlist.

Once you’re done, make sure to save it and close out of iTunes! You can now create multiple playlists for different scenarios; whether that be when exercising or writing a blog post like this one. If there is ever an issue with any songs in your list, remember: CTRL+Z (or CMD+Z on a Mac) to undo the last change.

We hope you enjoy this post and that it helps make your music listening experience even better!

Listening to Podcasts: 8 Benefits of the Trend

Listening to Podcasts: 8 Benefits of the Trend

Podcasts are growing in popularity and it’s not hard to see why. Many of us don’t have time to read, but we still want information on a variety of topics. Podcasts offer the convenience of multitasking and provide valuable content for listeners. In this article, I will be discussing 8 benefits that you can get from listening to podcasts!

1) Learning: If you are looking to learn something new, podcasts are a great way to do it. There is a podcast for almost every topic imaginable! Whether you want to learn about history, science, business or cooking, there is sure to be a podcast that can teach you what you need to know.

2) Self-improvement: There are plenty of podcasts that focus on self-improvement. If you want to learn how to improve your health or become more organized, there is a podcast for that!

3) Entertainment: Podcasts can be a great way to entertain yourself. If you are bored and have some free time, why not listen to a podcast? You can find podcasts on just about every topic imaginable, so there is sure to be something that interests you.

4) Discipline: Some people listen to podcasts as a way to help them stay disciplined. Rather than listening to music during their commute, some people choose podcasts so they can learn something new instead!

5) Relaxation: Podcasts can be a great way to relax. Whether you are stressed out from work or need some time to yourself, podcasts make for a good form of entertainment that helps ease the mind and take your worries away.

6) Background noise: If you are someone who likes to listen to background noise while you work, podcasts can be a great option. You can find podcasts on a variety of topics that will help keep you entertained and productive at the same time!

7) Focus: Some people find that listening to podcasts helps them focus when they are working. If you have a task that requires your full attention, tuning into a podcast can help you stay on track and get the job done.

8) Convenience: Podcasts are extremely convenient. You can listen to them while you are driving, working out or just sitting around. They make for a great way to pass the time and learn something new at the same time!

There are many reasons why you should start listening to podcasts: learning, self-improvement and entertainment just name a few of the benefits. What is your favorite thing about the growing trend of listening to podcasts?